Friday 24 June 2011

Digital Forensics & Litigation Support in the 21st Century

Welcome to my blog.

In this blog I will discuss issues of digital forensics and litigation support.

Modern day cases are affected to different degrees, by digital evidence, digital artefacts and electronic records.
These are some of the major areas of forensics that we shall be discussing in the following posts:

  1. Computer Forensics
  2. Mobile Phone Forensics
  3. SATNAV Forensics
  4. Cell Site Analysis
  5. Internet History and Email Tracing
  6. Data Recovery
  7. Spyware and other Malware
  8. e-Discovery
  9. Password recovery
  10. Auditing of expert witness and police reports.
Feel free to browse these postings, as well as placing your questions which we shall try answer. 

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